Investor @The Center Group


Brand Atena no PayOff

Software Company since 1986, Assintel founding partner, holds a portfolio of leading innovative solutions such as: Finance Atena®, ERP and Software for Financial Investigations, for the Registry of Reports (Agenzia delle Entrate) and for Anti-Money Laundering (BankItalia).

Brand_FinanceAtena white no PayOff

The first FinTech platform in Europe, based on AI, for Predictive, Economic-Financial Consulting for any type of Investment and Business Model, to ensure maximum Reliability, Opportunity and Profitability for the Public and Private sector.

Brand_WeInvest Grey NoPayoff

An Investment and Consultancy company whose mission is summarised in "Get Value to your Asset”. It ensures maximum profitability through a Systemic Approach, in Real Estate and Corporate, with Finance Atena® and the Network Club Deal WeInvest.


Company that has defined a new way of Business Communication based on: Marketing, for defining Strategy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, for effective content structuring, and the Art of Cinema to convey the emotional power that only cinema is capable of.

  • Increase in Brand Value
  • Maximisation of Results and Sales Volumes
  • Improvement of Brand Awareness
  • Guiding clients' Decision Making processes

Our Communication Ideas Solution

The Communication Ideas solution offered by Emotions for Business permette allows for the development of a unique and effective Strategic Communication Plan in terms of Company and/or Brand Reputation, Customer Engagement and Business Value. This solution is completely applicable and cross-sectoral for any business, sector, product/service, brand and target market. The solution can be used both for the definition of ordinary strategies and for emergency and implementation plans. 

Crucial factors in the ideation of every Strategic Communication Plan are: include identifying the target audience, defining the content/message to be conveyed and determining the channels through which to share it. However, building and maintaining a successful communication strategy over time requires more than that. To this end, we guarantee dynamic and flexible Communication Plans that take into account market evolutions and contextual factors and that are consistent with the Client's Company architecture.


Communication Strategy

The Communication Strategy service provides a solution that encompasses creative elements, effective writing techniques (NLP & Copywriting) and innovative sharing strategies in order to achieve the best results. With this service, we offer an effective communication plan that includes guidelines on how to act and how to set the tone and content of messages.

With this service, we guarantee the ability to: 

  • Convey messages and announcements that bring to light needs in the target market that are not fully understood;
  • Be able to guide and activate the purchasing behaviour of the target audience.
Our team will analyse the communication strategy in use, through direct and indirect research methods (such as surveys, focus groups, etc.) and the sharing of actual data by the client. Based on the preliminary analysis, our experts will devise a new communication plan based on the established objectives, the target audience and the means to be used. The communication plan will be developed in two ways: through the Creativity and NLP techniques of our Copywriters and through the integrated use of keyword tools, AI software and Content Marketing databases.

Brand Strategy

The Brand Strategy service offers the concrete possibility of developing or creating one's own Brand Identity, with the aim of forging a Brand mark that can provide real support to generate leads and sales in the medium to long term. Starting from the values and purposes of the business, logos are created that can tell a story and engage users. The construction of a Brand Identity is proposed that can reflect the client's entrepreneurial vision and can be adapted to all the different touch-points in which it will be used. 

With this service, we guarantee:

  • Increase in the visibility and value of your Brand;
  • Consolidation of your Brand Strategist to increase your bargaining power with other stakeholders.
After careful preliminary analysis, the Brand Strategist will be responsible for the graphic-textual ideation and development of the new Brand Identity. A Brand structure and positioning will be created that takes into account both the Client's Business structure and the context in which the latter operates. Therefore, in addition to a purely creative phase, various verifications will be carried out: availability of domains, names for social accounts, registered trademarks on National and European Databases, etc. For already established Brands, after an initial analysis and assimilation of the brand, it will be declined in the most effective and suitable communication materials. If necessary, rebranding proposals will be made that can renew the brand without losing its history and acquired awareness in the past.

Experience Strategy

The Experience Strategy service provides the opportunity to intrigue, engage and win over the target audience through interactive marketing activities. Thanks to the creation of unconventional promotional strategies, through the use of installations, events, temporary stores and gifts, customers will immerse themselves in unique and memorable experiences that will increase the company's value. The proposed strategies are designed to allow potential customers to become familiar with a product/service before purchasing it, increasing the perception of value for the end customer. It is nothing more than "exploiting" people's innate desire to take part in unique situations.

Following a careful preliminary analysis of the Product Offer, Brand Identity and Target Audience, our team will identify the most relevant Customer Insights to bring the idea of the experience to life. The creation of the experience will be modulated based on the 5 senses and in reference to the established objective. The goal is to develop an experience that becomes a real trigger for purchase/consumption and that is worth sharing for users. 

This service offers:

  • Increased of visibility on the market;
  • Increased Brand value through the memorability of the offered experience;
  • Use of the offered experience as an additional direct commercial channel.


These are the main Tools and Platforms used to carry out Communication Ideas activities

Analytics & Market Research Tool Icon

Analytics & Market Research Tool

These are tools aimed at tracking, spying and Marketing Analysis for Competitive and Sentiment Analysis activities
SEO & Content Marketing Tool Icon

SEO & Content Marketing Tool

Platforms aimed at researching, identifying and analysing keywords applicable to multiple digital and non-digital channels
CMS Icon

Content Management System

Web applications for managing digital content in terms of creation, publishing and editing
Social Media Platform Icon

Social Media Platform

Social Networking and Publishing platforms (organic and paid) for Content Marketing and information gathering activities
Editing Software Icon

Editing Software

Tools aimed at creating graphic materials and animations to create memorable content
Audiovisual Equipement Icon

Audiovisual Equipment

Professional equipment for creating high-quality and creative audiovisual material

Brand Strategy Agency
Copywriting Strategy Agency
Communication Strategy Agency

Network of Skills

Marketing & Communication

Specialists in integrated Marketing management (from a strategic and planning point of view) and corporate/brand communication. Thanks to a 360° view of the corporate structure (brands, product lines, markets of interest, etc.), it is possible to optimize the 4 fundamental tactical levers, such as: price policies, product configuration, distribution planning and promotion strategy.

Digital & Social

Manage and harmonize the digital marketing (Website, Social Media, Online Communities, SEO Strategy, etc.) of each company. Main hard skills possessed are: online bidding, knowledge of HTML / CSS / Javascript language, mobile marketing, automation, UX & UI Design, meticulous knowledge of the most used adv publishers (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.).

Content & Graphic

Creative ideator and designer of visual communication for the creation of various types of content (functional, informative, educational, relational and playful). Ensures the respect of different communication, commercial and social dynamics. The main skills include both technical skills (software, languages, platforms) and sectoral skills (product and service characteristics, brand value, company profile, etc.). In addition, this person possesses knowledge in the fields of visual and communication design, advertising and cinematography.

NPL & Copywriting

The main objective is to write textual content for various purposes, such as advertising announcements, brochures, scripts for advertising spots, advertising slogans, websites, landing pages, etc. Skills required for this area include persuasive writing, knowledge of writing in different styles and tone of voice, SEO and ADV copywriting. The result is the creation of communication content that can leverage the three brains (Reptilian, Emotional and Rational) and guide people's purchasing decisions.


The Group's Economic / Financial / Fiscal consultants are highly specialized in the various types of operations in the E/F field, with the aim of guaranteeing the best optimization of the return on investment, the enhancement of the Business Idea and the best impact of the Business Model for each type of Client Company. Main soft skills and technical skills are: stakeholder engagement, audit project management, commercial knowledge, specific financial knowledge (Tax, Treasury, etc.) and asset management.


Managers with long experience guarantee the best structuring and organization of the Business Model of the Client Company, especially in terms of finding resources, obtaining contacts (relating to various stakeholders) and maintaining relationships. For this purpose, the main skills are: planning, decision making, self management, lateral thinking, etc.


Partnership with the best Law Firms to ensure the verification and guarantee of various legal and contractual requirements, in terms of brand protection, consumer protection, GDPR and Cookie Law, copyright and related rights, and Regulations on Advertising Law (comparative advertising, misleading advertising, etc.).


In-depth knowledge of the various technologies (Hardware, Software, AI, Big Data, IoT, etc.) in the various sectors present on the market, both in use and emerging, capable of optimizing, improving and facilitating the business structure of the Client Company, its related internal processes, its managerial aspect, etc. All this with the aim of innovating Businesses to make them more competitive and keep them aligned with market evolutions, in terms of Digital Transformation.